Apr 18, 2019

Why Russia Is Building Its Own Internet Once on Russia’s Internet, users would have access to only those websites the alternative network recognized, says Vixie. The Internet could certainly allow users to see all of the websites that The Russian government has even more control of the Nov 01, 2019 Russia’s New Internet Regulation: Do They Have The Technology? Nov 02, 2019

Apr 18, 2019

Russia Guide: Internet Access, Getting Connected in Russia Broadband connections in Russia. Broadband connections have become very affordable and very popular in Russia, especially in bigger cities. Nearly 40% of all households in Moscow have broadband access, with over 1.5 million subscribers. The leading provider of broadband services is Comstar Direct. Why is Internet service in Russia so cheap? - Russia Beyond Aug 21, 2018

4 things to know about Russian internet usage - Marketplace

do Russians have internet access at home? | Yahoo Answers Jul 25, 2006