Aug 15, 2015

Just the "Facts": What We Know About the NSA Spying on Aug 26, 2013 The NSA Continues to Violate Americans' Internet Privacy Aug 22, 2018 EU Court Again Rules That NSA Spying Makes U.S. Companies Jul 16, 2020

Apr 19, 2017

The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence.The NSA is responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign and domestic intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, specializing in a discipline known as signals

The Only Guide on NSA Spying You Need to Read to Know All

How to Keep the NSA From Spying Through Your Webcam | WIRED But it's not just the NSA who can hijack your webcam and mic. Cybercriminals, sextortionists, law enforcement, and even school districts have all been doing this kind of spying for a number of years. Does The NSA spy on people in the U.S.? - Quora Jan 19, 2017 “Mainstream Media” Forced To Admit NSA Still Spying